It is all too common with rental properties that, at some stage, appliances will break down or cease to work.
As a rental provider, you must be aware that it is your responsibility to maintain all fixtures, fittings, and appliances within the property. It is the renter's responsibility to keep the property clean.
If the appliance forms part of the tenancy at the commencement when they move in, it must be maintained, repaired, or replaced if it breaks down.
On occasions, rental providers have requested that the appliance be removed from the property and not replaced.
The renter has a legal right to use all appliances throughout the tenancy. If you do not wish to replace the item (and the renter agrees in writing), you may be required to pay compensation for the loss of the appliance.
This is a timely reminder that it is important to be proactive and budget for these unexpected replacement costs in advance.
You may also like to consider renting appliances for the property, which is a tax deduction, and you don’t need to worry about maintaining, repairing, or replacing the item.